EMDR Therapy
in amarillo, tx
Some experiences in life are really hard to move past.
When tough times leave deep emotional scars and difficult memories, it can feel like we're stuck in constant pain. Those tough memories from our past can hang over us, affecting everything we do and making it feel like a never-ending struggle.
Maybe you’re noticing:
Frequent nightmares, trouble falling asleep, or waking up often
Difficulty trusting others, being distant, or having conflicts in your relationships
Feeling like you’re not really present or that things around you aren't real
Headaches, stomachaches, or other physical issues without a clear medical cause
Being jumpy, nervous, or easily startled, like you're always waiting for something bad to happen
Feeling like it’s your job to keep everyone happy all the time
It’s time to take back control of your life.
Imagine that our brains are like a filing system, and each memory is stored in its own file. Normally, when we experience something difficult or upsetting, our brain processes it and puts it away in the right file. But sometimes, especially with really challenging experiences, our brain doesn't file them away properly. These unprocessed memories can keep causing us emotional pain, anxiety, or distress.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy helps with this by giving your brain a kind of "reset" button. During an EMDR session, the therapist guides you through a process where you focus on a distressing memory while also doing something called bilateral stimulation, which could be following their finger with your eyes or listening to a sound that goes back and forth from ear to ear.
This bilateral stimulation seems to help your brain reprocess the memory, making it less distressing. It's like taking that unprocessed memory, opening the file, and organizing it properly, so it doesn't cause as much pain or anxiety anymore. Over time and with the help of EMDR therapy, many people find that these memories bother them less and less, and they can start to feel better.
In simple terms, EMDR is a way to help your brain heal from painful memories and experiences so that they don't affect your daily life as much. It's like helping your brain tidy up its filing system.
What we’ll work on
EMDR therapy can help:
Reduce distressing symptoms
Improve emotional regulation
Enhance self-esteem
Give you a sense of empowerment
Improve relationships
Take the first step toward healing and reclaiming your life today.
Common questions about EMDR therapy
While talk therapy helps build insight in an effort to change thoughts, emotions, and enduring behavior patterns, EMDR treats trauma by activating your brain’s own healing capacity to metabolize and integrate traumatic memories that have become “stuck."
The duration of EMDR therapy varies depending on individual needs and the complexity of the issues being addressed. Some people may see progress in a few sessions, while others might require several months or more. Your EMDR therapist can provide a more specific estimate based on your situation.
The frequency of EMDR sessions depends on your therapist's recommendation and your specific needs. Typically, sessions are weekly or biweekly, but your therapist will determine the best schedule for your progress.
If you are looking for quicker relief, we also offer EMDR intensives. Contact us for more info.
EMDR has been used to treat many issues, such as:
trauma and PTSD
anxiety and panic disorders
phobias and fears
grief and loss
relationship issues
self-esteem and self-worth
performance anxiety
stress management
Contact us if you are interested in EMDR but do not see your specific condition or concern listed above.
During an EMDR session, you can expect to revisit distressing memories while focusing on bilateral stimulation (such as eye movements or tapping). Your therapist will guide you through the process, helping you process and reframe these memories to reduce emotional distress and associated symptoms.
EMDR therapy is generally considered safe. However, some individuals may experience temporary emotional discomfort, vivid memories, or fatigue during or after sessions. Discuss any concerns or potential risks with your EMDR therapist before starting treatment.