Discovering Wellness: Insights from Wild Blue Counseling

Step into a world of insights, self-discovery, and empowerment. Our blog is your trusted resource for navigating life's ups and downs, exploring mental health, and finding inspiration. Join us on this journey to personal growth and emotional wellness.

Annie Poage Annie Poage

The Mental Health Benefits of Travel

Travel can be a powerful way to refresh your mind and practice mindfulness, but you don't need to go far to experience these benefits. Learn how stepping out of your routine and engaging your senses can reduce anxiety and enhance well-being. Plus, discover practical tips to cultivate mindfulness in your daily life, from nature walks to digital detoxes

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Annie Poage Annie Poage

10 Practical Strategies for Preventing Burnout

Struggling to find balance in a hectic world? Burnout prevention is key! Check out our latest blog for 10 practical strategies to nurture your well-being, prevent burnout, and thrive in life.

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Annie Poage Annie Poage

Thriving Through the Holidays

In the whirlwind of holiday excitement, it's easy to forget the most important person on your gift list – yourself. Amidst the festive chaos, self-care becomes a beacon of sanity, a deliberate act of kindness towards your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. So, let's unwrap the gift of self-care and explore some simple yet powerful practices to ensure you not only survive but thrive during this season of celebration.

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Annie Poage Annie Poage

Navigating the Holidays

Embrace the holidays with grace and joy! Learn the art of setting boundaries to make this season truly stress-free and heartwarming. Discover tips and tricks in our latest blog post on navigating the holidays.

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Annie Poage Annie Poage

Use EMDR Therapy to Reduce Your Anxiety

We all experience anxiety at some point in our lives. It's a natural response to stress and can even be a helpful mechanism that keeps us alert and focused. However, when anxiety becomes a constant companion, it can feel like our brains are stuck in a never-ending loop of worry and unease. This chronic state of anxiety can affect our mental well-being and overall quality of life.

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Annie Poage Annie Poage

The Anxiety Monster

Anxiety is a sneaky little monster that hides in the shadows, ready to pounce when you least expect it. It's like that surprise plot twist in your favorite movie, except it's your heart racing, palms sweating, and thoughts running a marathon. But don't worry, we're here to shine a light on this pesky creature and show you how to send it packing. So, grab your sword of knowledge and let's embark on this adventure to tame the anxiety beast!

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Annie Poage Annie Poage

The Gym for Your Mind

Think of therapy as a gym for your mind, a place where you can work out the emotional muscles, flex your resilience, and build a healthier, happier you. Just like going to the gym to stay physically fit, therapy is your opportunity to prioritize your mental well-being, because a strong mind is as essential as a strong body.

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